Friday, April 22, 2005

Board does good job

Board does good job

The Gardiner Town Board has handled the current rezoning effort in an exemplary fashion.
First, board members appointed a Zoning Advisory Committee that included representatives of all views in the community. After the members held extensive meetings and public hearings and issued a draft report, the board also held three public sessions to allow additional public input. Then in response to the public's concerns The board decided to extend the moratorium on subdivisions so that it could respond to these concerns and enact a law that will reflect the community's values on land development issues.
We do still need to improve the draft law with provisions for larger lot sizes in the three tiers in the Ridge Protection Zone, 5-15-30 acres as we go higher, and driveway lengths limited to 1,200 feet (except when necessary to allow a property owner access). These changes will help ensure that we protect our town's most valuable resource.
It is wonderful to have a board that listens to its citizens. Thank you for your diligence.
Steven Levinsky

Take a look at what this town does to listen to the people!


A. The Town Board desires to implement a procedure for applications for land use approvals and zoning changes to the Town Board, Planning Board and Zoning Board of Appeals to ensure that neighboring property owners are appropriately apprised of the fact that an application has been made for a land use approval or zoning change and that thereafter the neighboring property owners and the public are made aware of the date of any public hearing scheduled for such an application.

B. This law is an effort to increase opportunities for dialog in the land use process; The Town Board believes that the land use approval process will benefit from the receipt of public comment on land use applications and zoning changes and that public comment will provide additional information to the various boards to consider in making a decision on an application.

C. Accordingly, the Town Board finds that the implementation of additional notice
and posting requirements are in the best interest of the health, safety and welfare of the residents of the Town of Gardiner.

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