Sunday, July 03, 2005

Get residents' input

Get residents' input
The following is in response to The Times Herald article of June 19, "For home developer, 450 is the magic number."
The developer, Bill Brodsky, has obviously put the Town Board in great fear and is trying the same fear tactics on our town residents.
This article is an attempt by the developer to push through a windfall for himself. Throughout the process, the Town Board has fallen for this shell game and has prevented our residents from asking their representatives any questions or having any meaningful public informational meetings for an exchange of dialogue on the proposed projects.
Sheila Conroy, the town supervisor says, "I happen to believe that this has merits worth looking at." I say to Conroy, if the development is worth looking at, why not go to the residents and ask for their input? Why not answer the question that has been asked since November: Why the rush to push this development project?
I know the feelings of the public, and they want dialogue. How do you know what our residents want unless you listen to them? Give them the opportunity of public input now, before it's too late.
Henry (Hank) Sullivan
Central Valley
(Republican Endorsed Candidate Councilman, Town of Woodbury)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hank Hank Hank, where have you been? You sound distracted.

Since you have no qualifications, no experience helping out or being on any commitee, you have only one way to run for office: ATTACK! and maybe noone will notice that you havent done a d@#m thing for the town!!!
