Monday, December 25, 2006

A dog park will grow in Woodbury

A dog park will grow in Woodbury

To the editor,

We would like to express our appreciation to Mr. John Burke and the Woodbury Town Board for approving the establishment of a dog park in our community.

We would also like everyone to know how professionally the board members went about making this decision. They logically and systematically evaluated all of the research presented to them on this subject. The presentation of that research by board member Michael Aronowitz was very detailed and professionally done. Board members evaluated feedback from residents who attended the four meetings at which this topic was discussed

Finally, after all of that, they made a decision. In this case, we believe it is the right decision. We look forward to joining other residents of our community in utilizing this new facility next spring.

Drs. Andrea and Carl M. Gold

Highland Mills

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