Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Casting call: Vote today!

November 08, 2005

Casting call: Vote today!

By Brendan Scott
Times Herald-Record

You've heard the names. You've followed the issues. You've seen the campaign signs. Man, have you seen the campaign signs.
Now's your chance to close the curtain on another campaign season and pull the lever to pick the leaders and court judges of your town or county.
Today is Election Day. Polls are open 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. Unlike other holidays, banks and other institutions will be open today, however, the Sullivan County Government Center in Monticello will be closed.
While the presidency and governor's office aren't up for grabs today, numerous local posts are. These are the people who will decide, among other things, when your road gets repaved, how to plan for growth and who gets sent to prison and for how long.
Headlining the bill? Orange and Ulster counties, where control of both county legislatures is up for grabs. In Orange, there are also contests for county executive and county clerk. In Sullivan, voters can pick a new sheriff and treasurer.
The ballots in Orange and Ulster counties also feature battles for long-term posts on the courts. In Middletown, control of City Hall is at stake.
As with other recent elections, the hottest races are in places that have witnessed the most dramatic changes in recent years. Such locales include the towns of Cornwall, Goshen, Mamakating, Monroe, Montgomery, New Windsor, Wawarsing and Woodbury.
Also on the ballot today are two statewide propositions: a proposal that would reform the state's budget-planning process and a $2.9 billion proposal to pay for highway, bridge and mass transit projects in the next five years.

For more questions about your polling place or for more information, contact your local board of elections, in Orange County at 291-2444; Ulster County at 334-5470 and Sullivan County at 794-3000 ext. 5024.

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