The race for Supervisor in the Town of Woodbury
John Burke,Democrat
Biographical information: Personal: Age 65. Married 42 years; six children and 11 grandchildren.
Military Experience: Honorable Discharge United States Marine Corps Reserve.
Professional: Educator for 37 years, including 22 years as Nanuet High School Principal. Many leadership awards. Ten years of negotiating experience. Twenty two years of budget building experience and accountability.
Community involvement: 36-year resident. Former Little League coach. Former CYO basketball coach.
John Burke (Left) and Sheila Conroy (Right).
Candidate statement: We should control our own destiny.
The destiny of how our town will be in the future is to be decided now. The current residents are entitled, since they are paying the bills, to determine not only what Woodbury should look like but also will we be able to afford to live here in the not too distant future. A detailed audit will help us run a more efficient town.
Officials must make prudent decisions about our quality of life and maintain an affordable tax structure. Every day we are reminded as we travel on Route 32 that traffic is a nightmare. A new review of traffic conditions along Route 32 is necessary, by all parties involved, in order to allow a smoother flow of traffic.
Allowing five new laws which will permit more traffic and drain on our infrastructure (roads, water, sewer system, emergency services, courts, streams, schools, town and school taxes, etc.) is not what is needed. We can best control our own destiny by following our current zoning laws.
Our new town board must reach out to our greatest asset - the public. Those individuals with suggestions and expertise must be treated respectfully and professionally because Woodbury belongs to all residents, not just the town board. A total commitment to our master plan, fiscal responsibility and open government are basic if our elected officials are to meet the needs of our residents.
I am asking all Woodbury voters to support me so, with your help, I can help protect our zoning laws, infrastructure, hold down our taxes and give back our government to the people.
Sheila Conroy, Republican
Biographical information: I am currently supervisor of the Town of Woodbury, serving my second two-year term. I have 22 years of community-oriented experience in Woodbury, including being a founding member of our Historical Society and of a non-partisan citizen’s advocate group, serving as president in the mid 1980’s.
Prior to this, I was a secondary social studies teacher and taught New York State Government.
Candidate’s statement: Rather than being someone criticizing others, I preferred to become involved in a positive way by working with people and helping to solve problems. I have served our community as a town council member (four years), a Planning Board member (12 years) and now supervisor. When problems arose about Nepera, I was asked by the town to help form the Community Advisory Panel and then served as Woodbury’s representative.
Financially, I have worked to obtain grants (Timber Ridge sidewalks, Senior Center flooring and parking lot) and to phase projects in order to spread out costs. Preserving open space has been a high priority, such as initiating the town’s first open space plan and acquiring more than 70 acres of land for under $25,000.
On environmental issues, I have effectively used my knowledge of the state Environmental Law to insist that proper procedures are followed on projects affecting our town, such as the Kiryas Joel pipeline and the Sullivan County casino traffic.
I am a senior member of the Southeast Traffic Task Force, which recently received a Pattern for Progress award and federal money to redo the Thruway entrance.
I will continue to bring years of experience and knowledge to deal with the serious issues facing Woodbury, including the pipeline, annexation and sprawl.
I urge people to look at candidates’ government experience and what they have done for Woodbury. Hear both sides in order to make informed decisions.
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