Thursday, July 28, 2005

Every town has one

'You have learned well; now go forth and develop' By James Newton I've been wondering lately what the special requirements are for becoming a "developer." I've been introduced to a couple lately and even though they look perfectly normal, I've got a suspicion that there is some special difference between them and a person like myself. For example, apart from the obvious difference in our assets. I keep thinking that there must have been some special school or at least an extra course or seminar that I've missed. So I have begun a research project on my own to see how I can catch up and have all the correct phrases to use the next time I encounter a "developer." After searching the Web and contacting all sorts of schools of higher learning I really come up with … not much that will help me. I have, therefore, concluded that some higher power has visited selected folks with heavy pockets to be appointed to this level and they, therefore, are able to assume the title of "Developer." I believe that there is a questionnaire they are given and only the correct answers will allow one to qualify. On this questionnaire are some of the following questions: - Does the sight of a tree-covered mountaintop with little or no human footprints cause you sleepless nights? - Does the sight of a grass-covered valley with perhaps an old farm make you head for the latrine with great urgency? - Do you drive miles to avoid the sight of a pretty lake nestled on the edge of one of these mountain roads and dream that same night of McMansions placed strategically all around the shoreline? - Do you have uncontrolled Patagonian/LL Bean visions that you are the answer to right all that's wrong with "open space"? If you have answered "yes" to all of the above then in the dead of the night, when you least expect it, a great booming voice will say to you: "Go forth, my son, (don't forget your checkbook) and suggest change for all you see, for yours is the touch of a Developer. You have my blessings, for you have passed this questionnaire with flying colors. Tell those whom you encounter that you have a vision, that changing the landscape is what the people need and have wanted and were waiting for you to come along (now show them the questionnaire with all the correct answers). "Pave the way by giving charitably to all the 'locals,' offer to provide housing for their elderly and, of course, don't forget to provide 'workforce' housing for those who might not get it (your plan, that is). In your greatest spa/resort vision, be certain that your plan contains the correct plans for 'wetlands,' 'trail heads,' and man-made ponds (everyone knows that those are better; we can put them where we want them). "When you pose for the photograph on the mountaintop with your right hand outstretched over all you survey, be certain to strike a biblical-like pose. You know, like the one I tutored Moses to have. I'm sorry I can't give you a shepherd's crook and a long robe. Maybe next time." "Keep looking out across that valley and remember, you are a Developer." James Newton lives in Livingston Manor, the site of a proposed development.

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