Sunday, July 03, 2005

Who's in charge?

Who's in charge?
It's all about the money! After reading last week's article in the TH-R re: Home developer needs 450 homes, the residents of Woodbury should be asking, who runs Woodbury – Brodsky the developer or Conroy the town supervisor? Brodsky states that he can't make money with the current zoning, which allows approximately 175 homes and needs 450 units to make a profit. What was left out of the article was the fact that the Town Board put $150,000 in the 2005 budget (which the taxpayers paid for in their January tax bill).
This money is designated to pay for a consultant that the board hired to update the current master plan, which hasn't been done since it was adopted in 1988. Ask – why didn't the supervisor reject the developer's request? The fact is that the experts that were hired by the town have not yet finished collecting the data that is needed to make a recommendation.
Woodbury's future is at stake! What's the rush? Is it because Brodsky runs Woodbury and not Conroy?
Donald Siebold
Highland Mils


Anonymous said...

It is obvious whose side you are on


Anonymous said...

What are u talking about.
