Monday, August 29, 2005

Time to rant

Election 2005
Well it’s that time again and this year we have a three way race for Town Council. We can only vote for two and who will it be? We are back to the 2001 where signs are being stolen, people taking sides and everyone thinking they are right! Wow that all I can say one issues splits a town and who will win. I am watching this one now and can’t wait to see the results of who gets the most votes. This will only help ego’s get bigger for either side and that’s what we need bigger heads when we need a vision for the future. The things I love about elections is that everyone forgets about the past and how they where against so and so and would never support this one, but four years later no one remembers who and why they where for this one or against that one. Oh well now lets see what happens I like the rest have to pick two, then 8 weeks later pick again. The real race will be for Supervisor, this time around it’s a candidate with a resume of leadership and that race starts September 14th.

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