Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Why did less then 50% of Woodbury stay home on Election Day?

Why did less then 50% of Woodbury stay home on Election Day?
Could be a few reasons, but the same could be said of Monroe, Chester and all of Orange County. I knocked on so many doors this year and many of them all have the same issues; more baseball and soccer fields. Traffic along Rt 32, when are we going to fix the pond, bigger beach area for the Rez, a place for teens to go, what are you doing about our taxes. The one thing everyone spoke about was taxes, school taxes, town taxes, county taxes and how they can’t afford to live here any more. It could be a lot of then stayed home because they don’t care because they plan to leave ASAP. So many told me “Mike when our kids finish school we are out of here”. I heard only 42% voted in Woodbury but ones who voted I think voted for change. More to come

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