Friday, October 28, 2005

Stealing his signs’ won't make Caruso disappear

Stealing his signs’ won't make Caruso disappear

To the editor:

To the person or persons who unscrupulously made it their business to take the majority of “Ralph Caruso” political signs in the Town of Woodbury, these signs are private property and stealing them is a criminal act.

Do you really think stealing my husband’s signs will make “Ralph Caruso” disappear? You just made the residents more aware because we now have people asking where have Ralph’s signs gone.

Who’s doing it? And what do they think they are going to accomplish? Ralph won’t be intimidated to change his positions on the issues, and will continue to fight for the quality of life issues our residents so deserve.

Please vote on Nov. 8 for Ralph Caruso for Orange County legislator, on Republican row “A” or “Save Our Town” row “G. Thank you.

Jeanette M. Caruso

Highland Mills

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