Sunday, October 02, 2005

Still going

Sullivan promises to continue campaign in Woodbury

To the editor:

To the Woodbury Republican voters who came out to vote for me on primary day, I would like to express my sincere gratitude for the show of support you expressed. I would like you to know, that I will be on the general election ballot, Nov. 8, as a independent candidate on the "Save Our Town" line.

I hope you will continue the support of my candidacy and positions. I ask all of you who voted for me in the primary and those that were not able to vote in the primary to vote for me Nov. 8. The issues haven't changed, and it has now become even more important to vote this election.

I oppose any zoning changes that would increase housing density. I support putting the issue of changing zoning laws to a referendum vote. I am for a response system for resident complaints and concerns, known as "Open Government."

It is time Woodbury had a town board that speaks for the people, and not THINK for the people.

Thank you for your support. I will continue my campaign and maintain my positions because it's the right thing to do.

Henry (Hank) Sullivan

Council Candidate Town of Woodbury

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